UPDATE: Research Week in-person tickets are now SOLD OUT! 🔥 :sparkles:

Research Leadership

Wednesday June 5. 9am – 4pm PST.
Gallery 308 at Fort Mason Center, San Francisco.

Research leadership is lonely. But it doesn’t have to be.


When you’re running a research function, especially in a large organization, there’s not a lot of places you can turn to for support. To get help, you need to think outside of the org.


That’s why you should join us at our second annual Research Leadership Summit. It’s a time for new connections, conversations, and fun with a group of people who understand what you’re going through.


The content for this event will be curated and created by the group in the weeks leading up to the summit. We look forward to hearing from you about the topics you’re interested in!

All scheduled times in PST

9:00 am –
9:10 am

Doors Open

9:10 am –
9:15 am


Colette Kolenda Sr. Staff UX Researcher, Ads at Google
Colette Kolenda
Research Leader at Ex-Spotify

9:15 am –
9:45 am

Around The Room Introductions

Colette Kolenda Sr. Staff UX Researcher, Ads at Google
Colette Kolenda
Research Leader at Ex-Spotify

9:45 am –
10:25 am

Lightning Talks

There’s no doubt UX Research is going through a transition period right now. But where are we transitioning from, and where are we moving to? In this talk, Judd shares his vision for how research can elevate its impact and deliver real impact for the teams and organizations we’re a part of.
Judd Antin
Research Leader at Ex-Airbnb

10:25 am –
10:40 am


10:40 am –
11:25 am

Collaboration With Other Disciplines

As economic headwinds accelerate, the need to generate revenue growth is becoming more and more urgent for most businesses. What role can research play in improving the financial future of the organizations we’re a part of? According to Claudia, a pretty big one.
Claudia Natasia
Head of Product at CloseFactor

11:25 am –
12:00 pm

Creative Session

As economic headwinds accelerate, the need to generate revenue growth is becoming more and more urgent for most businesses. What role can research play in improving the financial future of the organizations we’re a part of? According to Claudia, a pretty big one.
Claudia Natasia
Head of Product at CloseFactor

12:00 pm –
1:30 pm

Lunch Break

1:30 pm –
2:30 pm

Panel: Managing Through Adversity

Most of us are focused on tactical research to improve the products and services our organizations ship to market. But, product teams aren’t the only ones who need research. In his talk, Andy unpacks what it’s like doing research for executive and board-level stakeholders.
Andy Warr
Director of Portfolio Research and Insights at Dropbox

2:30 pm –
2:45 pm


2:45 pm –
3:45 pm


Nizar Saqqar
Head of User Research at Snowflake

3:45 pm –
4:00 pm

Colette Kolenda Sr. Staff UX Researcher, Ads at Google

Wrap Up

Colette Kolenda
Research Leader at Ex-Spotify

4:00 pm

Happy Hour

Research Week Sponors

Want to become a research sponsor? Get in touch!

Reach out to alec@joinlearners.com to learn more.